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North America

Apr. 19 2012

Monica — Las Vegas, Nevada USA

Monica -- Las Vegas, Nevada

Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Monica knew from an early age what she wanted to do. “I remember the actual moment when I knew what I would do for the rest of my life,” she says. Monica was attending a private school and it was career day. Her teacher brought in her extremely handsome fiance; the students knew of him through the teacher’s comments and photos, but Monica felt there was something else familiar about him. “Once he came in the classroom, I knew instantly where I recognized him from – he did the news on Channel 7. At that moment, I knew what I wanted to do for a living – I wanted to be a news anchor.”

Dec. 21 2011

Natalie — New York, New York USA

Natalie -- New York, New York

OK, so this is the only interview where we will use the first and last name — I had the great pleasure of interviewing Natalie Morales of “The Today Show” for Finding Forty. What a treat!  She was funny, honest, warm and genuine.  I’ve posted a few excerpts from her chapter and will have some video soon.

Dec. 14 2011

Andy Rooney on why women over 40 are fabulous!

Finding Forty Girl

A great classic post from Andy Rooney…Enjoy!

Dec. 6 2011

Video Clip: We ask Meghan in Wyoming if she misses living in New York

Meghan -- Bondurant, Wyoming

We learned in Megan’s interview that she left a hectic and crazy life in New York City and traveled the world, eventually ending up in the small town of Bondourant, Wyoming…Does she miss NYC?