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Oct. 31 2011

Ted Turner on the importance of empowering women

A great piece today by Ted Turner on cnn.com about the importance of empowering women and access to vital family planning tools as we mark the 7 billionth person born today!

Jul. 28 2011

Independent Traveler Trip Report — Getting Spicy in Zanzibar

Getting Spicy in Zanzibar

I’m happy to report that The Independent Traveler selected my report on Zanzibar as their Trip Report of the Week.  Enjoy — I so want to go back!

Jun. 8 2011

Locations — Africa

There is truly no place on earth quite like Africa — The land is amazing and broad, people are friendly and proud and each country is so very different.  Women in this part of the world often battle abject poverty and oppressive cultures that marginalize women’s rights.  The continent is so vast, it’s impossible to get all of it in; we will attempt to show a small sliver of it.

Locations in Africa initially include: Ethiopia, Rwanda, Uganda