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Julie — Brussels, Belguim


Julie Left a Successful Law Career in Search of Something New

After 14 years of burning the candle at both ends first as an associate and then a partner in two major international law firms, Julie has hung up her legal briefs and is embarking on a new adventure.

Years of long hours, grueling workload and lifestyle sacrifices led her to review her career choice and seek something new.

She wouldn’t have guessed she would be starting her new life in the land of chocolates, beer, frites and waffles — Belgium. The former California resident moved to the European capital city of Brussels four years ago for a work assignment with her law firm and it’s been home ever since. Her career afforded her the opportunity to enjoy the finest parts of living on the continent, including delicious food, wine and weekend trips to France, Italy and the Greek Islands. Now, she is transitioning out of a power-position lifestyle into one more reflective and creative, and definitely less certain. She’s embarking on a new career as she approaches 40 as a professional photographer and writer.

Biggest Surprise at 40: That I don’t miss anything about a career that dominated my life for so many years.

Stay tuned for more information about Julie’s journey as Finding Forty moves toward the finished product.